My free coloring pages

Hi, welcome to my new blog. Why this blog exist? Well, I love coloring and since it is such a solitary endeavor I decided to create a blog to share my artwork with the world. Plus, my 3 year old daughter loves to color as well and I figure this is a very nice activity that I can do together with her. And yes, my husband colors too but he does it once in awhile to de-stress from work.

Another reason is because I want to share with you some of the coolest coloring pages for adults/teens available free online (there are thousands!) and also those available in the market. In fact I bought 11 such books online a couple of days ago and I can't wait for them to arrive at my door! Well, once they are here I will share about it in this blog.

As for the moment, I have uploaded 2 free coloring pages that I drew myself. I am not a professional artist but I love to doodle, so I thought why not share them with the world for free? My only request that these pages are not use for commercial purposes. Print them and enjoy coloring them - for personal use. If you want to make a DIY card using these pages, well it's up to you as long as they are not for sell.

You can find these sheets on this link or on the right hand column of this blog under My Free Coloring Pages link.


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